Sunday, January 8, 2017

Top 10 Tips To Get Higher Marks In Exam

Exams! Scared? No wonder it does bring a sense of fear in us because for many of us, examinations are mere punishment. Although we fail to realize that it is only due to exams, we get to step the final stage of our ambitions and also get an opportunity to live our dreams. Hmm that being said you might be now wondering how to cope up with the exam pressure and even score maximum marks. Well it is no rocket science and anyone can get good marks if he or she follow these simple and easy tips. Let’s together look into the top 10 tips to get higher marks in exam.

10. Allocate Appropriate Time:

Before you begin, allocate time for every question. Few of the questions will need more time than others. Allot the time accordingly i.e. always allot your time to each question based on the marks fixed to it. For instance, if one question is of 15 mark and another question is of 20 mark, then you should definitely dedicate more time to the latter question.
Top 10 tips to get higher marks in exam

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9. Check and Re-check your Answer Paper:

Many of the pupils fall short of time to check their answer paper after finishing it. To avoid this, try to complete your exam paper at least 20 minutes before time so that you have enough time to check all your written answers. Moreover, you also can see if each and every question has been numbered correctly or not and if by any chance there are any questions left unanswered.
Top 10 tips to get higher marks in exam
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8. Balancing Your Writing:

Illustrating too much for questions that do not need lengthy answers results in an apparent scarcity of time for other remaining questions. Similarly, if you write too little for questions that requires elongated answers, you will end up missing main points or details of an idea. Invariably, the result will be loss of marks. But at the same time, if you balance it out well you’ll apparently get higher marks in exam.
Top 10 tips to get higher marks in exam
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7. Sequencing:

The style of the writing is very vital. A notable point wise answer will absolutely earn you more marks than a long piece of writing. Highlight your answer point wise starting from the most important to the least important. Pay a lot of attention to your writing style. It may definitely fetch you some bonus points. Practice beforehand in this arena so that you write appropriately to get higher marks in exam.
Top 10 tips to get higher marks in exam
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6. Use “Paragraphing”:

In case of long answers where you need to write in paragraphs adapt the method of paragraphing. After every three or four points, a new paragraph should commence. In addition, where there is an association of points, the following paragraph should begin with a transitional word like, ‘Consequently’, ‘Therefore’, ‘Nevertheless’ etc. To get a good command over the language, one should read as many books as possible.
Top 10 tips to get higher marks in exam
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5. Accentuate Your Answer:

Where ever possible emphasize your answer by drawing a diagram. You can draw flow charts and illustrate your knowledge. Also make the diagram effective and not shabby. Next, highlight the main points and words in your answer by underling the important phrase. Present your answer as neat as possible without any cuts and strokes.
Top 10 tips to get higher marks in exam
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4. Avoid Grammatical Mistakes:

Grammar plays a very significant role in getting higher marks in exam. So as much as possible avoid all the obvious grammar as well as spelling mistakes. One way of achieving this is by reproducing all your answers in very simple and plain language instead of using complex terms.
Top 10 tips to get higher marks in exam
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3. Quality Content:

If you want to score excellent marks in exam, you should not stuff your answers with any unwanted trash. Many pupils are under the impression that if they write more they will get more marks. However, the marks allotted is mainly for your quality writing and not just quantity. So master the art of content writing (have the knowledge beforehand) and easily score effectively.
Top 10 tips to get higher marks in exam
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2. Handwriting:

The majority of the students take the value of handwriting very lightly. They do not understand that it is handwriting which brings in some extra marks. Yes, if your handwriting is neat, viable and easy to read then the examiner unconsciously or consciously checks generously and you get a few extra marks by the virtue of your good handwriting. Intelligibility counts and it is always appreciated and favored. Clear handwriting is indeed a way to get that high scores in exams.
Top 10 tips to get higher marks in exam
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1. Concentration:

Make sure that you are fully attentive while writing the exam, both physically as well as mentally. Avoid any sort of distraction. Don’t look here and there and focus mainly on your paper. Also carry every necessary item with yourself so that you don’t have to ask as it may disturb others as well as your focus on the topic.
Top 10 tips to get higher marks in exam
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