Thursday, January 5, 2017

5 Fastest-Growing Careers in Education

Choosing education as a career is fulfilling, rewarding, and pragmatic. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), education job opportunities are also on the upswing. With positions and salaries on the rise, education careers look particularly promising in the following five areas.

1. Postsecondary Teacher

Postsecondary (higher education) teacher positions range from graduate student teachers and assistant professors to associate professors and professors. As a higher education teacher, you’ll work in colleges or universities with opportunities to advance to the head of your department.
  • WHY THE FIELD IS GROWING: Postsecondary educators are needed because more people are attending institutions of higher learning. However, it’s important to note that although the demand for postsecondary teachers is rising, the BLS does not differentiate between tenure and non-tenure track positions.
  • JOB OUTLOOK: The BLS has projected that employment will grow faster than average for university faculty, with a projected increase of 19% between 2012 and 2022.
  • SALARY: Median pay is $68,970. Top earners can bring in over $142,000 per year. Salary ranges can vary depending on the institution, location, and area of study. Benefits may also include tuition discounts for yourself or family members.
  • EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS: At a minimum, you’ll need a master’s degree to teach at a community or technical college. Four-year universities require most of their faculty members to hold doctoral degrees. Teaching experience can also put you a step ahead of the competition, so keep an eye open for graduate teaching assistant opportunities as you earn your degree.

2. Education Administrator

Education administrators lead at the highest level of the education system. In this field, you could hold a position as dean, principal, superintendent, district administrator, provost (chief academic officer), department head, registrar, or administration director. Education administrators help institutions run smoothly by supporting faculty, interviewing incoming teachers, and overseeing the school’s resources and budget. Your leadership style sets the overall atmosphere of the school.
  • WHY THE FIELD IS GROWING: The BLS anticipates growth in this field as thousands of baby boomers retire. And as administrators at the district level give more responsibilities to the schools, positions at the school level may become less desirable – opening up opportunities for candidates who like a challenge.
  • JOB OUTLOOK: Between 2012 and 2022, the demand for educational administrators is expected to increase by 15%.
  • SALARY: Median pay is $86,490, with salaries ranging from $48,000 to $168,000 per year.
  • EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS: The education level you’ll need depends on the type of institution you work for, but the majority of education administrators have an advanced degree (master’s or doctoral). While most any advanced degree can lead to a career in education, specific education-focused degrees are becoming the norm. Depending on your state or institution, you may also need a license to be an educational administrator.

3. Curriculum Developer

Curriculum developers operate behind-the-scenes of the classroom, supporting teachers by incorporating the newest guidelines and technologies into the curricula. Other responsibilities include assessing teaching strategies and suggesting innovative ways to instruct students more effectively.
  • WHY THE FIELD IS GROWING: As federal and state education standards continue to change, the demand for curriculum specialists grows. In addition to developing new curricula, you may be asked to train teachers on how to implement these guidelines into their classrooms. Areas of study with the greatest demand include math, science, reading, continuing education, special needs, and English as a second language.
  • JOB OUTLOOK: The BLS projects a 13% increase in positions from 2012-2022.
  • SALARY: Median pay is $60,050, with top earners bringing in around $93,000 per year.
  • EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS: Some schools require curriculum developers to have a doctoral degree, but most only require a master’s degree in teaching, educational administration, or curriculum and instruction. You may also need a teaching license or a related certificate, and should expect to take continuing education courses to keep your training up-to-date throughout your career.

4. School Counselor

School counselors work in a school setting to help students as they make academic and career choices. You’ll help them meet graduation requirements, deal with personal, social and behavioral problems, and test for learning disabilities.
  • WHY THE FIELD IS GROWING: School counselors are taking on more responsibilities related to crises, drug and alcohol abuse, death and suicide. If students need additional help, counselors will refer them to the appropriate professionals.
  • JOB OUTLOOK: The BLS says school counseling positions are growing faster than average, with an increase of 12% from 2012-2022.
  • SALARY: Median pay is $53,610, with top earners bringing in over $86,000 per year.
  • EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS: Most states require school counselors to have a master’s degree in counseling through education, psychology or human services, as well as a school counseling certificate. Requirements vary by state. Program accreditation is also important—CACREP lists the schools that are part of the accreditation program.

5. Special Education Teacher

As a special education teacher, you’ll assist disabled students with the learning process, either in your own classroom or while sitting in with a larger class. Responsibilities include adjusting curriculum to meet students’ needs and abilities, teaching socially acceptable behaviors, and recording and reporting on students’ progress.
  • WHY THE FIELD IS GROWING: Earlier diagnoses of disabilities, higher graduation standards, and a lack of qualified teachers are driving the demand, especially in inner cities and rural areas; however, the salary is usually lower. There’s also an increased need for bilingual teachers and teachers who work with students that have multiple disabilities.
  • JOB OUTLOOK: The BLS projected that by 2022, the number of open special education teacher positions will increase by 6%. This is slower than other positions, but opportunities are high due to the need for qualified teachers.
  • SALARY: Earnings range between $36,000 and $87,000 per year, with median pay at $55,060.
  • EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS: The majority of K-12 special education teachers have a bachelor’s degree with a specialization in special education, and almost as many have a master’s degree. There are also a variety of licenses you can obtain, ranging from Autism Spectrum Disorders to hearing- and visually-impaired licensure.

Interested in One of These Careers?

Capella University offers master’s and doctoral degree programs designed to meet the needs of today’s education environment. Learn more about Capella’s education degrees.

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