Saturday, January 7, 2017

How to take computer based exam (CBE)

Computer based exam (CBE) is an exam which is taken on computer instead of writing on a paper. It can be an online exam or an exam on the computer in a college laboratory. It is very important to learn how to take computer based exam before taking the computer based exam especially if you have little knowledge about operating computer. 
  1. Double click on the icon for exam
  2. A page will open, it asks username (may be your name)  and password (may be your roll number or secret password given to you for this exam). Using keyboard, write all the required information, asked on this page. For information asked there will be a blank space in which you have to write.
  3. If there is to make selection of subject or category for exam, select subject in which you are going to take exam. For selection of subject or category for exam, click on it or click in the circle or box near that subject. If there is not any such selection then don’t consider this step.
  4. A new page will open which shows you instructions about the exam. Read it carefully. It tells you about the nature of questions, numbers of question in exam and time given for it etc.  At the bottom or top there will be a button “START EXAM”. Click on it when you finish reading the instructions.
  5. A new page will open. There will be questions with its question numbers and the choices for answer below each question.
  6. There will be time on the top of paper which shows you time available to you. Time will go in descending order (i.e 70:00 mins, 69:59 mins, 69:58 mins) so that you can easily know how much time is remaining.
  7. To attempt question, select the correct choice (answer) and click in the box or circle with that choice. Remember, there is button “SUBMIT” or “SAVE” below each question. Do press it after you select the correct choice, so that the answer can be saved.
  8. Attempt those questions first, which you can attempt easily and leave the difficult one or which is taking your much time. All the questions which you leave, will be shown in a column on a side with tag “UN-ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS”. You can scroll this column in the last to see and solve all the un-attempted question.
  9. Computer Based Exam has usually MCQs but sometimes there may be essay question as well. If there are essay question, there will be a large box below the question, in which you have to write the answer with the help of key board.
  10. There is button “NEXT” at the bottom of page. Press it when you are moving to next page for next questions.
  11. When you attempt the last question, see if there is any un-attempted question in the previous question, try to attempt these un attempted question.
  12. On the last page there is a button “FINISH”, when you attempt all the questions, press the “FINISH” to finish exam. your result will prompt on screen.

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