Tuesday, January 24, 2017

7 Tips for More Effective Writing

People often ask me what it takes to be a good writer. The short answer? I don’t know. The slightly longer answer? I don’t know, and I don’t care.
Effective Writing
I am much less concerned with good writing than I am with effective writing. What’s the difference? One is based on opinion, and the other actually matters.
Everyone has their own idea of what it means to be a “good” writer. Opinions on quality vary, depending on who you ask, but effective writing is hard to argue with. It gets the job done — plain and simple.
So how do you write in a way that effectively communicates your message? Here are seven tips for more effective writing, which you can apply today:

Practice your craft

You can’t do something well unless you do it badly first — and that begins with practice. Most professionals recommend setting aside time (even if it’s only 20 minutes) to write each day. You can’t get better if you don’t show up.
I do this with my blog and other pieces I’m working on by writing daily a minimum of 500 words. The more I write, the more I learn about writing — and the more I realize I need to practice.

Challenge yourself

Write about topics that interest to you, but don’t forget to dabble in new stuff, as well. The more you stretch yourself, the more you grow. Never underestimate the importance of learning.
I try to learn something new every day by reading books, blogs, and magazines — unable go to bed until I’ve gleaned a few bits of wisdom from different sources.

Be yourself

Don’t model your writing after another writer. And if you do, do it only as a means of learning someone else’s technique, so that you can make it your own.
Ultimately, what you want is to discover your original writing voice. And frankly, that’s what your audience wants, too. If we wanted to read Hemingway, we would read Hemingway.
I still struggle with this, but I’m getting better. One technique I use is to read aloud to myself what I’ve just written, and if it doesn’t sound like me, I rewrite it.

Don’t write like an idiot

Learn the basics of grammar. Buy an MLAAPA, or another style book (I recommend the AP Stylebook to a lot of copywriters). Honor your craft and start writing like a pro. Learning the rules makes it easier to break them.

Start small

Most would-be writers begin in the wrong place. They begin by wanting to write a book. Don’t do that.
Start small, maybe with a blog or a journal (you know, Doogie Howser style). Then write a few articles for some magazines, and after that, consider a book. As you take one incremental step after another towards getting published, you’ll find that your confidence builds.
That’s been my experience, anyway. After four years of writing for websites and magazines, I was finally ready to write a book.

Don’t give up

If writing is your dream, treat it seriously. Stick with it, even after the passion fades. Write every day. Perseverance pays off. Most days, I don’t even want to write, but I show up, anyway. And something mystical happens; the Muse meets me, and inspiration happens when I least expect it.

Learn to pitch your pieces

Many writers expect to write something phenomenal and to be published immediately — you know, by osmosis and stuff. But before you write a piece, you should learn to pitch prospective publishers (book, magazine, or we).
A good pitch is short, compelling, and promising. Without learning how to effectively market your writing, even the best of writers can be overlooked.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Educational Topics

With the eventual fate of instruction in limbo and everybody attracting lines the sand and picking sides, it appears there is sufficient mayhem and discussion to top off a 1000 daily papers with articles about how we should run our training framework. While, we as Americans all appear to concede to the significance of instruction, it has all the earmarks of being the getting everybody on the same pages with reference to how to arrive which may never be settled upon, truth be told, I wager you'd consent to this so far right? Great, so we should talk. 
Image result for Educational Topics , Activities at College Or University, image
Consider all the sub-points accessible for instruction article keeping in touch with, you can expound on getting admitted to your preferred school, picking which school to go to, and the requirement for more grounded training in subjects of math and science. You can likewise discuss questionable themes, for example, the political accuracy, communism inclination, and left-inclining teachers instilling understudies in school. Furthermore, on the off chance that you do like antagonistic issues, instruction is brimming with them, here are some more things that I've composed on and you can as well: 


School Sports 


Revenue driven Colleges 

School Tuition Costs 

Understudy Loan Problems 

Custom curriculum Needs 

English As a Second Language 

Repetition Memorization and Creativity 

State administered Testing and the NCLB Law 

Instructors Unions, Pay, Legacy Costs, Tenure 

Course readings Versus Digital E-Textbook in the Future 

Without a doubt, I would encourage all online article authors as the 2012-2013 educational season starts to advance your absolute best articles on these points and themes of a comparative vein. Instruction is at the forefront of everybody's thoughts, and not on the grounds that it is a decision year, since it particularly needs to do with the fate of our country. We are just in the same class as our schools were 20 years the earlier. On the off chance that we botch up our training, we will have hellfire to pay, and we will wind up simply a commentary in the chronicles of history of incredible countries which once were. 

Keeping the subject of instruction at the highest priority on our rundown in our general public ensures that we will keep on putting vitality in the right spot and as our human advancement turns out to be all the more mechanically propelled we require all around prepared, very much educated, and exceptionally taught individuals to run it. Because later on the robots might do all the work, or our training framework might be totally online that doesn't mean we don't require instructed people to make it work. We certainly will. 

It is my trust that you will please consider this and think on it, and put in your two pennies with regards to instruction, we should catch wind of your thoughts, advancements, and new ideas to take this extraordinary country forward. 

Spear Winslow has propelled another provocative arrangement of eBooks on the Future of Education. Spear Winslow is a resigned Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net